Faen vilken vecka. Sliten som ett djur. Men idag har jag fått handplockade blommor och en ny säng, samt suttit som en liten dvärg i bilen under en madrass, tvingats se på Twilight (jag är inte glad, kära Sandra) och mmm, grillat. Yo.
TRANSLATION: What a week! I'm exhausted beyond recognition. On the other hand, I adopted a new bed today, received handpicked flowers, felt like a midget when sitting in a car underneath a mattress and was forced to watch one of the Twilight films.
Aw, sorry to hear about your hectic week, hope you get the chance to rest up soon - goodness this photo is SO adorable. xo Veronika
ReplyDeleteI was looking for some interesting blog to follow and found yours! =)
I hope you can visit and follow mine too! Here's my link http://tinyurl.com/7u2b2jp
see you!