Vi var och handlade mat för 555 dollar igår i Karrinyup. När vi står och langar upp saker på rullbandet så frågar någon oss ifall vi har en egen restaurang eller något. Så nu jävlar finns det mat i kylen. Innan har det stortsett funnits senap, ketchup och worchestshiresås i den tomma kylen. Not anymore! Det firades med vin och sallad med squid rings.
TRANSLATION: Finally we've got an overload of food in the fridge. Yesterday we went to Karrinyup and spent $555 on food, and then some more at the bottleshop. After two weeks of only ketchup, mustard and worshestshiresauce in the fridge we spoile dourselves with squid rings salad and some wine.
TRANSLATION: Finally we've got an overload of food in the fridge. Yesterday we went to Karrinyup and spent $555 on food, and then some more at the bottleshop. After two weeks of only ketchup, mustard and worshestshiresauce in the fridge we spoile dourselves with squid rings salad and some wine.
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