Bloggen är en så trivial sak ibland. Den har totalt åsidosatts den här veckan. I början så levde man på antibiotika med alla dess konsekvenser, sedan blev man kameralös för Kajjin skulle låna den för sin assignment och sedan så... ja. Ursäkter. Slutet av den här veckan ville jag inte ens komma nära en publiseringsnapp i fruktan att man skulle göra något man ångrade sig. Det har varit ett par riktigt ush-liga dagar. Dags att kasta sig upp i sadeln igen.
TRANSLATION: This last week I kind of distanced myself from all that the blog is. At first I was living on antibiotics, including all the consequences that may bring. Then, Kajjin borrowed the camera for her assignment leaving me with nothing to play with and then, well. Excuses. Not to forget the end of last week was quite a nightmare. I kind of feared getting close to a publish button in case I posted something that could be regretted. But now it's time to get back.
TRANSLATION: This last week I kind of distanced myself from all that the blog is. At first I was living on antibiotics, including all the consequences that may bring. Then, Kajjin borrowed the camera for her assignment leaving me with nothing to play with and then, well. Excuses. Not to forget the end of last week was quite a nightmare. I kind of feared getting close to a publish button in case I posted something that could be regretted. But now it's time to get back.
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