Sötaste Olivia och jag gick på en Burlesque Retro marknad i söndags. Det fanns massa fina second-hand kläder, förföriska underkläder, nattlinnen och... corsetter. Vi kunde givetvis inte hålla oss borta och övertalade försäljaren att få prova dem i det superporrigt-söta tillfälliga omklädningsrummet, dvs toaletten. Ojdå. Det borde jag inte ha gjort. Det slutade ju med att jag numera äger en finfin vit corsette...
TRANSLATION: Cutest Olivia aka Double-O aka Oli, and moi went to the Burlesque Retro Market on sunday and had way too much fun with trying on corsettes in the supercool bathroom. Naturally, it all ended with me being the one spending all the money and... am now a proud owner to a pretty white corsette.
TRANSLATION: Cutest Olivia aka Double-O aka Oli, and moi went to the Burlesque Retro Market on sunday and had way too much fun with trying on corsettes in the supercool bathroom. Naturally, it all ended with me being the one spending all the money and... am now a proud owner to a pretty white corsette.

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